house of sustainable harmony

circular innovation
At deberenn we are open and transparent about the fact that, in addition to a healthy sustainable organization and very high-quality products, we have to work hard on a circular transition. And we do! At the beginning of 2023, deberenn has accept to host and support the international Rethink Softly project. We
aim to achieve results to respond with circular furniture by the middle of next year already.

our people and organization
At deberenn we believe that a sustainable environment starts from the core. This means addressing the social dimension of sustainability within an organization, its business ecosystem and the communities in which it operates. We are treating our people responsibly, taking care of our employees physical and mental well-being and valuing talent for their contribution. Moreover, building respectful collaborations with all contribution in development to delivery and after care.

products and production
The circular economy finds a variation of design strategies for positive sustainable impact. One of these strategies can be found in classic durability. Being a supplier of soft seating furniture, we are already taking the responsibility of high performance and long- lasting products from the beginning. Still, you can find our first items with at our distributors, used for more then 15 years and still in good conditions. We are taking careful sustainable actions for both the products, production and its people involved in this process.